Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn With the development of economic and society, profound changes he happened in the international financial market since 1970’s, among them the development of derivative financial instruments is most impressive.Although derivatives has its progressiveness, but the application of financial derivatives will brought huge risks and uncertainties.The facts prove that if you can’t rein in financial derivatives and control the risk, it will lead to painful lessons. In order to reduce the serious influences because of inadequate disclosure of informations, so how to effectively disclosure in financial report disclosure and make perfective accounting recognitions and measurement theories he became hot issues in theory and practice .This paper’s purpose are to standardize disclosure accounting information of derivative financial instruments.This paper begin in the basis of comparative analyses both in domestic and abroad standards regulations,combining the actual situations of China’s listed companies and the requirements about the new Accounting Standards for derivative financial instruments.This paper discuss on how to work out accounting information disclosure of derivative financial instrument in China.This paper is divided into seven sections: Section 1 introduces the purpose of this paper, literature review and study method;Section 2 describes the definition, characteristics, types of derivatives;Section 3 demonstrates the features of derivative accounting recognition, statistics and disclosures;Section 4 compares the derivative accounting information disclosure regulations among FASB,IASC and China; Section 5 discuss on statistical analysis and problems of accounting information disclosure of derivative financial instrument in China;Section 6 put forward positive suggestions on to how to improve the accounting of derivative financial instruments disclosure mechanis, it contains that improve the accounting of derivative financial instruments recognition and measurement theory, the derivative financial instruments accounting reporting system, strengthen the listed company’s internal control;Section 7 is the conclusion.
论文关键词: 衍生金融工具;信息披露;公允价值;财务报告;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn derivative financial instruments;information disclosure;fair value;financial report;
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn With the development of economic and society, profound changes he happened in the international financial market since 1970’s, among them the development of derivative financial instruments is most impressive.Although derivatives has its progressiveness, but the application of financial derivatives will brought huge risks and uncertainties.The facts prove that if you can’t rein in financial derivatives and control the risk, it will lead to painful lessons. In order to reduce the serious influences because of inadequate disclosure of informations, so how to effectively disclosure in financial report disclosure and make perfective accounting recognitions and measurement theories he became hot issues in theory and practice .This paper’s purpose are to standardize disclosure accounting information of derivative financial instruments.This paper begin in the basis of comparative analyses both in domestic and abroad standards regulations,combining the actual situations of China’s listed companies and the requirements about the new Accounting Standards for derivative financial instruments.This paper discuss on how to work out accounting information disclosure of derivative financial instrument in China.This paper is divided into seven sections: Section 1 introduces the purpose of this paper, literature review and study method;Section 2 describes the definition, characteristics, types of derivatives;Section 3 demonstrates the features of derivative accounting recognition, statistics and disclosures;Section 4 compares the derivative accounting information disclosure regulations among FASB,IASC and China; Section 5 discuss on statistical analysis and problems of accounting information disclosure of derivative financial instrument in China;Section 6 put forward positive suggestions on to how to improve the accounting of derivative financial instruments disclosure mechanis, it contains that improve the accounting of derivative financial instruments recognition and measurement theory, the derivative financial instruments accounting reporting system, strengthen the listed company’s internal control;Section 7 is the conclusion.
论文关键词: 衍生金融工具;信息披露;公允价值;财务报告;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn derivative financial instruments;information disclosure;fair value;financial report;