
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-15 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The merger and acquisition (M&A) aimed enterprise is a kind of efficient capital accumulation way searching for high value and development . The essential motivation of (M & A) is for increment which is a process of finance management and also account focus and center.The internal motivation of (M & A) is for synergy, increase values. It is the headspring of achieving more fortune and treasure, will bring about advantages for enterprise shareholders and our society. The increment is the main purpose for (M & A) action and (M & A)account process , it line all different parts of M&A action together ,like valuation, payment, account process, financing, tax, etc..The evaluation is to assess the aim’s values before and after actions, the real fact of payment is for distributing increment fortune , the account process is to settle the problems of how to treat with soft capital, the financing is the key of action and a tool for increment, suitable tax arrangement will cut cost ,and se more money for enterprises and shareholders.Before action, all enterprises will analyse the present situation and the whole environment from different directions to confirm that the action is reasonable ,profitable or too high of danger, then get the final determine of doing or not doing .The process of analysis is to investigate the facts ,design analyse models, input real data, get the facts of the situation, then provide reasons to support the next steps. All of the analysis is reference and guide for action.The text just focus on microcoic of (M & A) action, seeks the relative finance problems and increment ,establishes the operation guide and arrangement .Through detailed analyse data ,the text server enterprise’s long term strategy. The content include about chose and evaluating the aimed company, the ration of exchange stocks and the purchase price . It also discussed about the suitable finance report forms.
论文关键词: 并购增值;估值;并购融资;并购支付;会计处理;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Capital increment;Evaluation;Financing;Payment;Account process;