
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-03 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn In recent years, with the frequent financial exposure of corrupt practices of companies coming into the domestic and overseas market, the problem of distorted accounting information has attracted wide attention from every walk of life while become a vexed hotspot. Under this background this article combines our domestic practice with overseas situation to analyze the reasons and countermeasures of distorted accounting information from the view of law.The countermeasure of distorted accounting information depends on the understanding of the concept of accounting information and distorted accounting information. The first part of this article introduces these two concepts, including the meaning, the character, the principle of exposure and the defining standards. The second part mainly depicts the situation of distorted accounting information in our country. Nowadays there is a very serious problem caused by internal and external reasons. The internal reasons are the subjective bases and the external reasons are the objective conditions. These two aspects shape the current situation of distorted accounting information which brings infinite damage to our national economy. The third part researches many laws of countermeasure for distorting accounting information in foreign countries. From all over the world, American is one country with the most advanced system of securities dealing, the biggest marketing scale, the most perfect law system of anti-distorted accounting information. In Britain, the controlling of accounting information mostly relies on the civil group of occupational accounting without interference from governments, so we always call them accounting occupation with high autonomy. In Japan, its law system concerned controlling of accounting information combined the both advantage from the Civil law and Common law. In the fourth part I analyze the defection of ruling distorted accounting information in our country. At present we he made many statutes and regulations in this area and formed the legal rule system in a relatively systemic way. But we he to say we still he some defections in the aspects of legislation and law duty. The fifth part brings forward the countermeasures of ruling distorted accounting information. We should enhance the accountants’ moral level and strengthen the basic accounting work; improve the structure of governing the company, build a completely controlling mechani; heighten the civil awareness, intensify construction of honest and trust faith in accounting industry.
论文关键词: 会计信息;失真;法律;完善;治理;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn accounting information;distortion;law;improve;regulation;