
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-04 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Along with the acceleration of economical globalization, as a world-universal commercial language, accounting shows a more prominent function in boosting international trade, international capital flow and international economic communications. International harmonization of accounting standards has become the inevitable and realistic issue for countries worldwide. European Union gets huge achievement as a regional organization in accounting international harmonization aspect, has reference in a lot of aspects for the accounting international harmonization to act on. Especially, the EU has adopted a regulation requiring public companies to convert to IFRSs beginning in 2005. This is the largest and most complex accounting conversion in history.This essay uses theoretical research and demonstrate research, carries on deep research to the EU accounting convergence. This essay can be divided into 5 parts. The first chapter introduces selected title meaning and research purpose of this essay, then, prove to article total research contents. The second chapter carries on theoretical research to the EU accounting convergence. At first this part analyses the background and motivation of the EU accounting convergence. Secondly it sets out the problem of the process. Thirdly it points out the reference meaning that the EU accounting convergence has on international accounting harmonization. The third chapter studies the document and carries on relatively overall retrospect on international accounting harmonization. The forth chapter is the main body of this essay. Based on the 2005 annual report of 40 companies, from each of France, Germany and the UK, we research on the harmonization of the EU accounting practice. The fifth chapter sets out the conclusion of this essay. Along with the integration of the EU, the social factors of its members become similar and the results of the EU accounting harmonization are satiying.
论文关键词: 欧盟;国际会计准则;会计协调;会计趋同;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn European Union;International Accounting Standards;Accounting harmonization;Accounting convergence;