
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-01-21 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Active stock market always exits acquisition and anti-acquisition, so the problem of control right for listed company is very significant. There are many methods for snatching the control right. This article focuses on the situation that listed companies using methods for shell net tranerring to enable the unlisted companies obtaining the control rights of listed company to realize the indirect listing objectives. The particularity of trading is that once if the acquisition is finished, the staff and assets will strip off from the listed company. There will only be an empty shell company left. This means that the business scope, financial status and operation results will he fundamental changes following by the entry of new shareholders.The major discussing in this article is about effect on financial status that different certification of enterprises merger by each party with backdoor listing in accordance with Accounting Standards of Enterprises (2006 version); effect on effectiveness of listed companies’ public disclosures due to the different disclosing methods of financial reports and effect on financial status and operation results for listed company or each side involving in the transaction due to the different value standards adopted according to measurement of share rights.Through the analysis of specific cases, we state that under the new accounting standards of Enterprises, backdoor listing (shell net tranerring) needs to consider not only the effects on the disclosures of mode for enterprises merger under the framework under P.R.C standards but also the acquisition requirements referred from international financial reporting standards. Combing the sides will more appropriately reflect the useful information for investors.
论文关键词: 借壳上市;反向收购;企业合并;公允价值;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Backdoor listing;Anti-acquisition;Enterprise merger;Fair value;