
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-01-18 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Asset Securitization which emergences in the United States in the 1970s, expanded rapidly in the 1990s, has now become a national and regional means of financing for enterprises. Asset securitization is a structural financing activity, whose development need the support of economic environment, legal system, credit basis, accounting system, the tax system and many other factors support. Each of the factors is important to asset securitization. As asset-backed enterprise has increasingly become the main channels for financing, the development of Asset securitization accounting has received more and more attention to accelerate the development of asset securitization,In the international market Asset Securitization has been fully used. The experience of United States and other the developed market shows that although asset securitization accounting can not command the asset securitization transactions, but its impact should not be underestimated.Asset securitization practice is thriving in China. Although a number of issues such as rules and laws of accounting, the protection is far from enough. China’s accounting standards are gradually consistent with the international accounting standards. The research of securitization accounting would prompt the speed.This paper is divided into seven chapters. The contents concern from asset securitization accounting basis, the measurement of financial activities related to asset securitization process and Asset Securitization information disclosure, est. The paper also analyzes weather the assets securitization is a behior of sales or financing and what are their advantages and disadvantages.This paper focuses on the analysis of international accounting standards and proposed the following things: SPE should be an independent accounting entity, in order to provide the corresponding accounting information, ensure the legitimacy of its operation and transparency; China’s accounting standard-setters need to issue special SPE criteria for determining the scope of the merger; Fair value of asset securitization is the best measurement model of Asset Securitization. The paper also shows the first Specific Asset Management Plan in China.
论文关键词: 资产证券化;会计合并;会计确认;公允价值;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Asset securitization;Merger accounting;Fair value;Accounting confirmed;