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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn With the rapid development of application of information technology, information is regarded as a important resource, how to contact with computer application and how to exert the ability of boss and how to reinforce IT flow are to be difficulties of modern information development, at the same time these information systems cannot share with each other, because of large of different types of data in these absolute systems, so it is welcome for enterprises to develop competitive suit of software systems(ERP).This article mainly explains the following facts:1. The collective introduce of ERP. ERP is mainly used to integrate data in flow of enterprise operation, and to take the data to the accountant module. The two functions of information integrating in time for enterprise are followings: one side is to accelerate the development of flow; the other side is providing information for decision-making.The mainl aim of ERP is to integrate information required in inner flows, the flows often appearing in enterprise naturally is in ERP. The flows include Selling and Place flows、stock and invoice validating flows,stock management flows、storage management flows、materiel forecasting flows、human resource flows, etc.2. The choice of ERP. To find a ERP which fit corporation, analyze from level of manage, produce and technology condition, fund ability and development of business, etc.3. Implementiou of ERP. Succesul ERP application is on base of the following three facts, it can be expressed in following formula: succesul ERP application = preparative enterprise + adapting software + succesul implement, among them, succesul implement is the most factor for succesul ERP application. It is the activator to alter and optimize service-dealing process. Service flow adjusting, redesigning and software functions are compacted together in the whole software implement flow. Strikes to enterprise management include: altering the compete policy, adjusting organization and re identifying department’s responsibilities、altering everybody’s word responsibility and work mode, etc. These changes are helpful to realize the business aim of enterprise, meanwhile challengeable to every employee including manager and service worker. It is important whether enterprise decision-makers can explain and accept this theory to software implementiou.This article introduces ERP purchasing module project running on ORACLE system actualized by Yunnan Mobile, and points out the next work outline.
论文关键词: ERP;类型选择;采购模块;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn ERP;Type Selection;Purchasing Module;