
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-16 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn With the coming of the 21th century, world economy is tranorming form industrial economy to knowledge economy. The developing of human society will enter the high-speed changing era of knowledge economy. As the accounting circumstances take huge change, the technological assets’ position in the enterprises is becoming more important. In order to suit the change, it is becoming a difficult problem to construct a theoretic system of cultivation of technological assets. But the research on this subject has important theoretical significance and realistic urgency, therefore, it is necessary to launch the research on this subject.In order to improve the technological assets accounting system, the textual structure arrangement is as follows: The introduction mainly introduces the cost and value theories of technological assets. Then mainly explains the status and the influencing factors of the technological assets of the listed companies, indicating the more input without the respective output. The reason is that the existing accounting system in the phases of confirmation, re-confirmation and disclosure is not helpful for the cultivation of technological assets. Finally introduces the new accounting system, including multi-mode treatment, accelerated amortization, interval price assesent and colorful report.
论文关键词: 技术资产;多模式核算;价值评估;信息披露;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn technological assets;multi-mode treatment;a interval price assesent;colorful report;