
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-10 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要) As China’s market economy developed, and the financial securities market further developed, the competition of capital became the main tool in the high-end game competition. In order to take advantage of competition of the capital, the earnings management will be used as a management tool. And the earnings management issue has always affected the quality of information of listed companies. At present, listed companies’earnings management made a negative impact on securities markets. To solve China’s current accounting information distortion problems and to promote the development of China’s capital market, we must study on the earnings management of listed companies and proposed a strategy. Based on this, this article studied on the related issues of earning management.In this paper, on the basis of summarizing the definition of the earnings management I distinct the difference between earnings management and manipulation of profits, and ge their earnings management for the definition. From the principal-agent relationships and asymmetric information theory revealed the existence of the reasons of earnings management and prerequisite. Leading to the motive of the earnings management, and targeted research of China’s listed companies earnings management means and methods. And I found that the methods of listed companies earnings management, then raised the measures to control and prevent management.Earnings management of listed companies is not only a question of accounting issues, but is a complex social problem. It can not only through a particular aspect of governance to achieve the objective ,it needs of all relevant departments to conduct joint system of governance and ensure that China’s securities market and the national economy healthy and orderly development.
论文关键词: 盈余管理;上市公司;利润操纵;
Key words(英文摘要) earnings management;listed companies;manipulating profit;