
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-15 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn Mankind had stepped into 21st century, the knowledge-based economy developed rapidly. The factor playing decisive role has turned from material capital to human capital in economic growth and making fortune. On one hand, human capital property right accompanied the existence and excise of human capital, on the other hand, as the importance of human capital has promoted in the knowledge-based economy, the solo material capital property right system especially the material capital entity’monopolization of enterprise property right has bring lots of problem such as low productivity, unfair income distribution, inner control and so on. In order to solve these problems, we should set up integrated human capital property right, let the human capital entity share the enterprise’property right with material capital entity, realize the reasonable collocation of enterprise’property right, then show the relation through the human capital property right accounting system.Based on human capital theory, human capital property right theory and human resource accounting theory, this paper analyze the disadvantage of the two modes of human resource accounting, explain the necessity of human capital property right accounting. On the condition of obeying the traditional financial accounting principle, this paper add some accounts such as human asset, human capital etc, then put these information into the financial statement, improve the integrity of the report . For the measurement of human capital, it extend to the area of human capital transaction. Through the game of demander and provider in the human capital market, we can attain the price of human capital. Because market can be considered as measurement system of the commodity’s value , so this method must be most efficient .Human capital property right accounting discard the solo material capital property right system, emphasize the dual structure of material capital and human capital. This paper create a new accounting system including the procedure of measuring, recording and reporting, it can not only provider the useful information, satiy the demand of government, enterprise, and investor but also express the structure and relation of enterprise’s property right, ensure the benefit of enterprise’s pivotal assets owner, Optimize the collocation of enterprise’s property right, promote the development of the enterprise.
论文关键词: 人力资本;人力资源会计;人力资本产权;人力资本产权会计;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn human capital;human resource accounting;human capital property right;human capital property right accounting;