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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn On February 15, 2006, the Ministry of Finance announced new Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. At that time, the Asset depreciation compares of the old standards had a bigger improvement.Based on the theory of basic accounting impairment of assets, the new accounting standards related to the impairment of assets in the paper. Then the impacts on the execution of the asset depreciation accounting policy he been proved prominent by the analysis of the execution of asset depreciation accounting policy in the listed companies. Finally, according to the theory and practice of the lack of impairment of assets, impairment of assets to better implement the policy suggestions. The full text is divided into four parts.Starting from the concept of asset, the first part analyzes the meaning of asset depreciation and asset depreciation accounting, describes the development and theory foundation of asset depreciation accounting and discusses the significance of executing the asset depreciation accounting on Chinese listed companies.The second part is a textual keystone. First the article discussed the asset depreciation developmental history in our country, and then under the new and old accounting standards focused on the comparative analysis of impairment of assets. The new standards enhance the company’s business condition and the authenticity of the accounting statements of relevance,reliability, and diminution in the value of the assets to reduce the company’s objective to prepare for the possibility of profit manipulation. Company’s the impairment of assets were maximal standardized behior.The third part is a data analysis. The listed company usually passes to account devaluation to regulate profits under old accountancy’s standard. But now the implement of new standard will be suppress this phenomenon.Finally, some shortage that the new standard still exists, so there he two suggestions, strengthen the exterior direct of independent audit and raise accountant character.
论文关键词: 会计准则;资产减值;差异;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Accounting standards;Asset depreciation;Difference;