
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-02 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Nowadays, with the development of Capital Markets, global capital market has taken shape. The uncertainty and virtualization of economic environment challenge on the traditional historical cost measurement. Owing to the Strong informational relevance, the fair value emerged and gradually became one of the accounting measurement attributes in many developed countries.In recent years, with the further development of market economy, particularly the appearance of financial instruments and financial products, it is necessary to apply for the fair value. In order to adapt to the trend of the international community, China’s Ministry of Finance issued new accounting standards on February 15, 2006, re-introduced the fair value measurement model, and new accounting standards is implemented in the context of listed companies since January 1, 2007. The re-introduction of fair value in Chinese accounting standards gives an overall challenge to the traditional accounting thinking; simultaneously it is a milestone in the accountant reforms course in China.From first introduced in 1998 to the full implementation of the new guidelines in 2007, Fair value experienced a winding road. What impact the re-opening of the fair value will be brought about for the financial position and results of operations of company? What kinds of problems it will appear in application process? What should be done to respond? These are the contents of common concern.Starting from the basic theories of fair value, the article briefly reviews the application history of fair value in China, and analysis and summaries the specific application and impact of fair value in new guidelines. Then the article makes a more comprehensive analysis for the problems in the implementation process of the fair value, and finally gives some suggestions and recommendations to improve the application of fair value in china.Although the fair value exist some shortcomings, its superiority in theory can be affirmed. Using the fair value as the basic property is the trend and the inevitable choice for the international economic and social development and it also complies with the demand of accounting. Therefore, we must closely follow the requirements of development; constantly improve the fair value measurement.The main contributions of this paper are to establish a separate principle of fair value, to create a national database of market information, to establish and improve property assesent laws, hoping to contribute for the improvement of the fair value in the future.
论文关键词: 公允价值;会计计量;监管机制;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Fair value;Accounting measurement;Regulatory mechani;