
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-01-28 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn In today’s world, international convergence of accounting standards has become a major trend. China’s current accounting standards he achieved with a high degree of convergence of international accounting standards. However, the U.S. accounting standards he been to its own system, although in recent years its guidance on local accounting practices there he been some bias, but we can’t deny that U.S. accounting standards he been a good guidance for a long time in the past. This paper aims to cultural perspective, analyzes the Sino-US cultural differences on the impact of national accounting standards. Then it comes to the conclusion that the Sino-US differences in accounting standards are not only for economic reasons, the deeper reason is cultural factor. In today’s international progress of national accounting standards, we should always pay attention to the coordination of the convergence of accounting standards with national cultures.The passage has five parts:The first part is an introduction section. It introduces the significance of the topic, research contents and methods, and literature review.The second part analyzes the general impact of culture on accounting standards. Firstly, this part introduces the cultural theory, including Hofstede’s national culture theory and Gray’s accounting sub-culture theory, in order to lay the theoretical foundation for later; Then, it generally analyzes how the culture to influence the development, implementation and oversight of accounting standards.The third part is American culture and its impact on accounting standards. Firstly this section uses Hofstede’s national culture theory to sum up the characteristics of American culture, and then uses Gray’s accounting sub-culture theory to sum up the characteristics of American accounting culture. Finally, it analyzes how American culture to influence the development, implementation and oversight of accounting standards. This part contrasts with the fourth part. The fourth part is Chinese culture and its impact on accounting standards. Firstly this section uses Hofstede’s national culture theory to sum up the characteristics of Chinese culture, and then uses Gray’s accounting sub-culture theory to sum up the characteristics of Chinese accounting culture. Finally, it analyzes how Chinese culture to influence the development, implementation and oversight of accounting standards.The first conclusion closely linked to the contents of the article, that "Culture is the underlying incentives of accounting standards, the impact of culture on accounting standards is not direct, but relies on a conventional force to guide the practice of human activities including affecting the formulating, implementation and oversight of accounting standards." The second responses to the significance of the topic,that "In today’s rapid internationalization of accounting standards, we should always pay attention to the coordination of accounting standards (the formal system) with culture (the informal system), when we absorb and learn from the United States and other countries and international accounting standards.
论文关键词: 文化;会计准则;制定;执行;监督;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Culture;Accounting standards;Formulate;Implement;Oversight;