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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Since the beginning of 1990s, IASC and FASB racked their brains in order to use fair value to take a thorough measure of Finance tools. Fair value which took the place of the long time unused historical cost, has become the unstoppable we in the development of accountancy measure history. Compared with the Western countries, which has already widely developed the research and application of fan-value, the research of our country has only confined to the academic circle. The application of it even experienced ups and downs. As early as July, 1998, the Finance Ministry had formally introduced fair value in principle of accountancy. However, in January, 2001, it was completely paused. At last, in February, 2006, it is restarted in application again. The frequent changes cost a lot to the suppliers and demanders of the accountancy information.For the reason, it is the research of fair value in the academic circle is not deep enough from the truth of fair value to the application of it. So the writer believe that clearing the truth of fair value and the relationship between fair value and the other measurement attribute is the most important problem of the academic and application.At the beginning, this paper analyzes the definition of fair value from different countries and points out the truth of fair value. Then, the paper focuses on the
论文关键词: 公允价值;价值;计量属性;现值;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Fair Value;Value Measurement Attribute;Present Value;