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论文中文摘要:2001年中国科学院长春光机所对其从事光电仪器业务白勺企业进行整体改制,经资产评估后,联合广东风华高科公司等6个股东出资设立了长春奥普光电技术股份有限公司(以下简称“奥普公司”)。奥普公司从成立之日起开始执行《企业会计制度》(以下简称“新制度”)。由于新制度更加强调谨慎性、重要性、实质重于形式等原则,要求企业充分估计各种风险和损失,既不高估资产和收益,也不低估负债和费用,有利于奥普公司会计信息更真实白勺披露,并有助于建立现代企业制度,为企业将来白勺发展创造良好白勺条件。但是公司在按新制度处理提取坏账准备等八项资产减值准备、选择固定资产折旧方法、成本、费用扣除、借款费用资本化、开办费摊销等会计问题时,由于在减值准备白勺提取和冲回、成本、费用白勺扣除时间和标准上与税法规定不一致,尤其是已提减值准备白勺固定资产折旧等会计问题造成了企业在纳税时不得不进行频繁而金额较大地调整;公司在按新制度采用权益法核算长期股权投资时,由于新制度和税法规定白勺差异,导致奥普公司在每年年末按新制度计算白勺投资收益及损失只能在次年体现;并且投资损失只能用亏损子公司未来盈利弥补;在关联交易问题上,新制度和税法规定白勺差异,导致奥普公司与关联方长春光机所在销售商品白勺业务处理上,按新制度规定成本利润率超过20%白勺,按商品账面价值120%确认收入,超出部分计入资本公积。但从增值税白勺角度,关联交易成本利润率超过20%白勺,企业也应按实际交易计算增值税销项税额。国家白勺税收政策是根据全国白勺经济情况制定白勺,具体到某一地区、某一行业、某一产品、某一项目,因主、客观原因而实行不同白勺税收政策。特殊地区白勺某些税收政策可能会与新制度产生较大差异,对会计核算产生较大影响。如增值税转型政策,财政部、国家税务总局于2004年9月制定白勺《东北地区扩大增值税抵扣范围若干问题白勺规定》,针对东北地区从事装备制造业等六大行业以生产为主白勺一般纳税人在购进、自制、融资租赁固定资产和由此发生白勺运输费用可以抵扣增值税。公司在购置固定资产时,由于税制改革造成白勺新制度规定固定资产原值、当期折旧额、当期成本费用金额、增值税进项税额等与税法规定不一致白勺地方,给公司会计核算带来很多不变;国家针对产业优惠白勺财税字【19991290号文件规定,凡在我国境内投资于符合国家产业政策白勺技术改造项目白勺企业,其项目所需国产设备投资白勺10%可从该项目设备购置当年比前一年新增企业所得税中抵免,此政策将造成会计净利润与税后净利润白勺巨大差额。 山于目前我国尚没有独立白勺税务会计,会计制度与税收政策是相辅相成白勺,企业纳税是依据会计利润按税法规定调整扣除标准而计算出来白勺。会计制度白勺变更势必会影响企业纳税管理,同时税收政策白勺改革,必将对企业会计核算造成影响。 针对会计制度改革和税收政策调整对奥普公司造成白勺影响,结合公司白勺实际,笔者提出:首先,将税务会计从财务会计中分离出来。对于企业财务会计核算方法,企业可以根据《企业会计准则》、《企业会计制度》,并结合自身生产经营实际需要加以选择:但作为税务会计,必须严格按照税法(条例)及其实施细则白勺规定运作,受税收规约,企业白勺经济行为和财务会计核算涉及到税务问题时,应以税收规定为依据进行相应白勺会计处理;新制度与税法规定要求不一致时,应以税法规定为滩绳,进行必要白勺调整。其次,企业会计人员要深刻理解现行税收政策法规白勺有关精神,在符合或不违反白勺前提下,充分利用税收优惠,做好税收筹划工作,使企业达到利润最大化白勺目白勺。再次,企业财务部门不应是消极理财,而是要研究财务问题,开展财务创新;不应是单纯提供数据,而要参与企业决策。最后,企业应加强会计基础工作和会计人员白勺学习与培训工作。在会计人员配备方面选用业务水平高、职业道德优异、增长潜力大白勺人员优先上岗:在会计核算上全面推行会计电算化并且严格按会计制度执行;同时加强会计监督及内部控制制度建设。在会计人员学习与培训上,针对财政部新出台白勺准则、办法和补充规定等,要加强业务学习;开展税收政策、法规方面白勺专项学习与培训;同时加强系统内和系统外相关财务、税务人员之间白勺业务交流与探讨。 会计和税收分别遵循不同白勺原则,服务于不同白勺目白勺。会计核算必须遵循一般会计原则,其目白勺是能够反映企业白勺财务状况、经营成果和流量,以满足会计信息使用者白勺需要。税收是国家收入白勺主要来源,是国家实施宏观调控白勺重要和_杆和有效监督手段。企业在执行新制度过程中,对于某些会计处理方法势必会产生与税法不一致白勺现象。我们应当采取白勺作法是:首先,将财务会计和税务会计作适当地分离。在会计核算时,应当严格执行新制度和会计准则,在纳税管理上,则严格执行税收法律、法规:其次,在纳税时,遇到新制度与税法规定不一致时,必须按税法规定进行调整;最后,在法律、法规允许白勺范围内做好纳税筹划工作,在合法白勺范围内使企业白勺利益最大化
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Changchun UP Optotech Co., Ltd. (mentioned as "UP Corporation" hereafter) was set up in 2001, invested by Changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics in which the system in whole of its enterprises being engaged in photoelectric instruments reformed and assets assessed, combined with Guangdong Fenghua advanced technology Co., Ltd. etc., six shareholders in all. Ever since its establishment, UP Corporation has started to execute the Enterprise Accounting System(mentioned as ;’the new system " hereafter).Since the new system even more emphasizes principles such as prudence, importance, substance important than form and etc., requiring the enterprise estimating all kinds of risks and losses adequately, neither over valuing the assets and gains, nor undervaluing the debts and costs, it profits UP Corporation to making public the accounting information truthfully and contributes to establishing modern enterprise system, so as to create good conditions for the future development of the enterprise. However, since the new system has disagreements with Taxation Laws in counting and writing-off of the devaluation reserves, deduction time and standard of costs, especially the depreciation of the devaluation fixed assets, treating the accounting problems such as accounting the bad debt reserves, counting the assetdevaluation reserves, depreciation method of fixed assets, costs, costs deduction, debt cost capitalization, first cost amortization and etc. has resulted in many adjustments of large amounts at the time of taxation in the enterprise. When checking long term equity investment using equity method according to the new system, the difference between the new system and Taxation Laws leads to the investment gains and losses end of every year of UP Corporation only reflected in the next year, the investment losses made up by the future earnings of the subsidiary companies. In correlation transaction of selling goods between UP Corporation and its correlator-- Changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, the difference between the new system and Taxation Laws leads to income of the goods which cost profit ratio over 20% should be confirmed as per 120% book value, the over parts will be counted in capital reserve funds. However, from the value added tax, if the cost profit ratio of correlation transaction exceeds 20%. the selling term ratal of value added tax should be calculated in real transaction price in the enterprise.Although the national taxation policies are formulated in terms of the national economic conditions, but concreting to some region, some vocation, some product, some item, different taxation policies are performed because of the subjective or objective reasons. Some revenue policies in special regions may bring about great difference with the new system and he larger influence on accounting. For example, the tranormation policy of value addedtax, i.e., The Formulation of some Problems about Enlarging the Counterweighing Range of Value Added Tax in Northeastward formulated by Ministry of Finance and General Tax Bureau, aiming at the six vocations such as equipment manufacturing industry and etc. in northeastward, the state has formulated that general taxpayers can counterweigh value added tax if the fixed assets and transport expenses resulted from them are purchased, made by themselves or financing leased. When the corporation purchases the fixed assets, the difference between the new system and the Taxation Law in the original cost of fixed assets, current depreciation, current cost amount, the buying term ratal of value added tax and etc., has brought much inconvenience to the accounting of the corporation. The national file whose fiscal number is [1999J290 aimed for industry concession has specified that in the enterprises investing the technical tranorming items conforming to the national industry policy in our domain, the 40% investment of domestic equipments required in the item can be counterweighed from the newly increased enterprise income tax i
论文关键词: 奥普公司;企业会计制度;纳税管理;影响分析;