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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn With China’s accession to the WTO ask accounting system consist with the accession. New long-term equity investment criteria: the one hand, it is China’s convergence with international accounting standards the performance of the other, it also reflects our Chinese characteristics, while glossing over of the financial statements has also had a better role restrictions. The new criteria and how the criteria are different in the end, the application of the new criteria will bring to the business impact of new guidelines which he the advantages, as well as our future will be how to improve it.The new criteria in the definition, scope, the initial measurement, as well as follow-up measures, such as disclosure of all aspects of larger amendment.Therefore, the implementation of the new guidelines was not only for the separate financial statements of the long-term equity investment, capital surplus, investment income and fair value changes in profit and loss statements, and other related projects he a significant impact on the business operations at the same time, decision-making transactions, such as corporate governance, as well as the internal accounting controls, such as the requirements of various impact.The article is wrote by comparison analysis, quantitative and qualitative, as well as the method of combining theory and practice of the method of combining the old and new criteria as well as the reasons for the difference. From the five-part composition. First of all the topics are basic on the background and significance of the following criteria and also on the difference between the old and new concrete comparison, but also to he the reasons for these differences are described. And the new long-term equity investment criteria change on the profits of enterprises, and the rights and interests of owners of the two major aspects of the capital market And new guidelines on the impact brought about by changes. Next also compared the current new long-term equity investment norms and international accounting standards differ. China is the last part of the new long-term equity investment in the guidelines should also continue to explore the two issues - and the fair value of goodwill. In this paper, the new norms and guidelines for the eight old differences start, the more powerful the new guidelines brought about by the impact.This paper consists of six parts.Part 1 describes the background and significance of the theme, outlines the framework of the paper, and explains the major research methods.Part 2 This paper is the starting point, the new criteria than the old main criteria in the investment scope of a long-term equity investment in the initial investment cost, the change; cost of the follow-up measures of the equity method and the scope of the changes discussed specific aspects of the eight Part 3 Part of this is the focus of this paper. In this part of a number of enterprises will be analyzed as an example. What factors he led to the increase in profits, which in turn lead to reduced profits, what factors can make increased profits, but also likely to reduce profits, and the interests of business owners and managers of the impact analysis, thereby further analysis of the impact on the capital market .Part 4 On the country’s new guidelines and the "International Financial Reporting Standards No. 28 Associates of investment", "International Financial Reporting Standards No. 31, - a joint venture in the interests of" differences start, which can also draw on our place.Part 5 In introducing the first four parts on the basis of further information on the new guidelines in the fair value of goodwill and the introduction of the accounting theory and practical significance as well as some issues are still worth exploring.
论文关键词: 成本法;权益法;同一控制;非同一控制;商誉;公允价值;