
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-02 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn At present, the academic discussion about human capital of accountant firms is little. However, accountant firms are the intellectual service agency. The most important assets of accountant firms are human capital and quality. Whether the human capital can be efficiently used affects audit quality and audit risk directly. Whether the human capital can be efficiently used also decide the destiny of financial capital and the future of accountant firms. Therefore, the rational arrangement of residual claim and residual rights of control can not only prevent the opportuni, shirking of human and telling lies during the auditing process, but also prevent the abuse of financial capital.This article is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, I will discuss the relation between human capital and financial capital of the partnership accountant firms. That is, the owners of financial capital he residual claim and residual rights of ultimate control. The owners of human capital he residual claim and residual rights of control, but they he no rights of ultimate control. In the second chapter, I will discuss the relation between existence, development of the partnership accountant firms and human capital. That is, why the owners of human capital he residual claim and residual rights of control. In the third chapter, I will discuss the arrangement of residual claim of the owners of human capital. That is, how the owners of human capital gain the residual of the accountant firms.The key innovation in this article is: firstly, from difference between the makers and takers of audit risk, we can get to know the different use of human capital and financial capital of accountant firms. Then, we can define the arrangement of residual claim and residual rights of control. Secondly, I discuss the necessity of the owners of human capital hing residual claim and residual rights of control in detail from audit quality, firm’s credit, firm’s competitiveness, firm’s scale and so on. Based on the two discussions above, I discuss the ways by which the owners of human capital he residual claim.
论文关键词: 会计师事务所;人力资本;非人力资本;剩余索取权;剩余控制权;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Accountant firm;Human capital;Financial capital;Residual claim;Residual rights of control;