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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Business combination is a kind of economic behior, which gets controlling rights to some extent from other enterprises by property transaction so as to strengthen economic power and to attain economic goals for itself. From the angle of financial accounting, business combination has three kinds: merger, consolidation and acquisition. On the condition of acquisition, we need compile consolidated accounting statements by and large. In China, the content of consolidated accounting statements includes not only the combination of the controlling and controlled enterprises, but also the combination of the part-owner and partnership.Consolidated statements accounting is considered as one of the three difficult problems by the international accounting field. It is a complicated accounting operability problem. And it is a controversial topic that contains many theory schools. The use of consolidated accounting statements begins from the U.S.A. Some American enterprises tried to compile consolidated accounting statements in the late of 19th century. Thus primal mode of consolidated accounting statements came into being. By now the theory frame and method system he been formed in the research process by the theory and practice fields of western developed countries. hi recent years, Chinese accounting field introduces many methods of foreign consolidated accounting statements. At the same time the exploration of relevant theory and practice is being spread.The enterprise combination, especially the acquisition will become one of the most important features of Chinese economy in a long time after China joins in the WTO. Because consolidated accounting statements arose late in China, there are many problems about the theory and practice of consolidated accounting statements, which need to be solved. We need to take example by the international practice andcohesion our county’s practical circumstance so as to choose suitable theory and practice when we establish concrete consolidated accounting statements standard. This paper carries on study on some accounting problems of China consolidated statements. I hope it will be helpful to perfect the theory and guide the practice of consolidated accounting statements. This paper contains of four parts:Introduction: business combination and consolidated accounting statements; arising and development ofenterprise consolidated statements; the characteristics of consolidated accounting statements; the goals of consolidatedaccountingstatements;thefunctions of consolidated accounting statements; the international practice of consolidated accounting statements.Theory frame of consolidated accounting statements:foundation of consolidated accounting statements; combination method, origination way and equity structure;non-controlling interest,position of minority shareholder of controlledcompany;compilingmethodof consolidatedaccounting statements;method chosen in accounting practice of consolidated accounting statements.Some problems should be noticed during establishing consolidated accounting statements standard: attitude for pooling-of-interests method; attitude for entity theory;norm for accounting practice of consolidated accounting statements.Study on some accounting problems of china consolidated statements: combination range of consolidated accounting statements; partnership and proportionate consolidation method; research on pooled price deviation; research on consolidated income tax; research on consolidated cash-flow statement; research on limitation and implement ways of consolidated accounting statements.
论文关键词: 合并会计报表;控股合并;合营企业;合并理论;合并方法;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Consolidated accounting statements;Acquisition;Partnership;Combination theory;Combination method;