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Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Financial accounting conceptual framework research is the core of financial accounting theory. International Accounting Standards Board and the Western countries (U.S., UK and Australia) he established their own conceptual framework, can be said that the conceptual framework of financial accounting research he been emphasized. Conceptual framework for countries to build the name of the financial vary, but in essence the same, that are of financial accounting standard and accounting standard-setting process involves some basic concepts, thus accounting standards or accounting practices to develop better guidance. International convergence of accounting in today’s constantly, developing countries must be laid in much the same conceptual basis of up to develop accounting standards, or inconsistent with the concept of basic accounting standards and give the international convergence of accounting brings many obstacles.In this paper, the financial accounting conceptual framework for the study, Introduced the conceptual framework of domestic and international financial accounting literature review, Through the national financial accounting conceptual framework of the general and specific comparison, FASB and IASB in establishing a common concept of the project financial and accounting work schedule to include joint projects based on the proposed conceptual framework of China’s financial accounting and the Construction of the international convergence of choice and ideas. Text is divided into five Parts, The first part is the introduction, the major domestic and international literature review. The second part elaborates the conceptual framework of financial accounting and the meaning and role of the financial accounting conceptual framework of China construction need. The third part is mainly to compare the overall United States, IASB, UK, Australia and the basic norms of corporate accounting in China. The fourth part to the comparison the United States, IASB, UK and Australia, the financial accounting conceptual framework. Part five elaborate conceptual framework of Financial Accounting and the Construction of the international convergence.
论文关键词: 财务会计概念框架;比较;国际趋同;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn Financial accounting conceptual framework;Compare;International convergence;