
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-30 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要): Nowadays, much of the false accounting information has affected market economic order, also made the accountancy face the unprecedented reputation crisis. The false accounting information is not only the problem of a business technique, but also a typical ethics problem. The problem of accounting message distorting is the main performance of enterprise accountancy losing ethics .So it is great importance to study the accountancy ethics construction under the market economy.This thesis chiefly analyses the problem in three aspects. The first aspect covers such problem as the accountancy’s ethics kind . This article focuses on the analysis of the accountancy organizes system, and points out the accountancy characteristics decide that the accountancy occupation has these ethics kind: reality, candor and independence, and looks for some methods to establish the accountancy reputation. Secondly, the problem of our country enterprise accountancy losing ethics .this text analyzes the meaning of accounting message distorting information and its affect to sociali market economy , emphasize to analyzing the reasons of accounting message distorting . Finally, How to precede the accountancy ethics construction? The third aspect includes the accountancy morals environment development and the accountancy morals development, on the one hand, We must enhance the accountancy legal system developments . on the other hand, We must enhance the education of the accountancy’ s occupation morals. Through discussing the above points, the thesis aims at shaping the frame of the accountancy ethics construction characterized by an integrated theoretical system, a sound and powerful legal system, an inspiring mode of moral education so as to ultimately resolving The problem of accounting message distorting.
论文关键词: 企业会计;;建设;
Key words(英文摘要): Enterprise accountancy;Ethics;Construction;