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论文中文摘要:会计信息系统是指一个组织中的一组人员、规则和资源,收集有关资料并向组织内外提供会计信息及其相关经济业务数据的系统。会计信息系统是企业最重要的信息系统。信息科技的飞速进步,网络时代的到来,赋予了会计信息系统新的含义和新的生命力。在由网络搭建的全球市场竞争平台上,企业的优劣势被无情地放大,企业必须重新整合原有的会计系统,从而构建一个全新的会计信息系统,这将成为企业保持竞争优势的基础。为了配合会计信息系统有效地运作,加强会计信息系统的管理和制定相应的规章制度等,是必须要做好的工作。但是在实践中,大多数企业要么没有完整的会计信息系统,要么没有健全的管理体系,使得会计信息系统运行成本上升,漏洞百出,严重地影响了企业的发展。我在集团会计师事务所、成都信达会计师事务所、成都博坤投资有限公司实习期间,深深地感受到会计信息系统构建与管理的重要性。许多企业(包括众多上市公司)还停留在人工会计层次上,电脑充其量成为一个打字工具和会计核算工具,这极不适应新经济的发展。长此以往,也许会计部门就会从企业的职能部门中消失,因为它已不能为管理层提供决策、有用的信息,后果是可怕的,这也是众多的会计实践工作者、会计理论研究者都不愿看到的。还有一些企业认识到了构建会计信息系统的重要性,于是购买了许多构成会计信息系统的硬件设施,如电脑、网络设施等大量的通讯设施,但由于缺乏事前详细的投资分析、严谨的构建体系和管理措施,因此并没有构建成一个功能完整的会计信息系统,有的只是硬件框架。同时,由于对会计信息系统的管理没有引起重视,没有相应的内部控制制度,会计信息系统形同虚设,导致成本上升、企业效益下降。鉴于此,就有必要对会计信息系统的构建与管理进行深入的研究。同时,由于系统是不断发展的,进一步研究会计信息系统的拓展方向,也为保持会计信息系统的生命力和发展提供了理论基础。因此,本文主要采用规范性研究方法,对会计信息系统的构建、管理及拓展等三<WP=3>个方面进行了研究,重点是构建与管理研究。论文共分四章:第一章会计信息系统概述本章是全文的理论基础,主要阐述了一些基本概念等问题。其中,第一节主要解释了数据、信息的概念以及两者的关系,会计信息的内涵和特征等,认为:公允性、可靠性和应用性是会计信息的主要质量特征。第二节介绍了系统及其特征、会计信息系统的定义及特征等。主要为下面三个专题的展开奠定基础。此外,本节还分析了我国企业会计信息系统面临的困境与选择,认为会计信息系统的构建与管理是企业面临的主要难题:企业必须在正确的理论指导下,构建(或重新构建)一个全新、高效的会计信息系统,在此基础上加强系统的管理、制定相应的规章制度,以完成企业信息化的工作。第二章 会计信息系统的构建研究本章主要探讨与构建会计信息系统有关的问题。第一节 阐述了构建会计信息系统的必要性。适应信息技术的进步、企业管理模式的改变、企业保持竞争优势的需要、目前低下的电算化会计水平都决定了企业必须要构建会计信息系统。第二节 阐述了会计信息系统的体系结构。会计信息系统应管理活动对信息的要求,形成三个层次的子系统:会计信息处理系统、会计信息管理信息系统、会计决策支持系统,文章阐述了这三个子系统的概念和主要内容。第三节 阐述了构建会计信息系统的基本策略。构建会计信息系统是一项系统工程,必须树立正确的构建策略,如:明确系统构建目标及统一规划、企业高层领导的亲自领导、做好企业流程的再造、选择先进成熟的平台、适当选择引进会计软件的方式、建立有力的分析体系、加强员工培训和内部控制等等。第四节 阐述了会计信息系统的生命周期及构建的必要过程。会计信息系统生命周期包括孕育期、导入期、成长期和茁壮期。正确的信息系统构建过程是:企业应该对信息化有正确的认识和成功导入的决心;拟订整体导入会计信息化的计划;正确地按照优先顺序开展工<WP=4>作等。第五节阐述了会计信息系统的质量评价体系。在会计信息系统构建过程中,正确评价系统的质量,提出反馈意见,找出不当的地方进行调整,对于构建一个功能卓越的会计信息系统具有非常大的贡献,文章从会计信息系统管理制度的完整性、会计软件的品质和系统输出会计信息的质量等三个方面提出了会计信息系统质量的评价体系。第三章 会计信息系统的管理研究这是文章的重点,也是文章最有特色的一部分。管理好会计信息系统是系统有效运行的重要保障,由于计算机、网络等信息技术在信息系统中的全面应用,从而为企业的会计程序增加了不少便利与效率,但若缺乏严格而健全的管理,产生的会计信息可能会错误百出,系统运行成本会上升。因此建立完善的会计信息系统管理制度,并严格执行,这是会计信息系统至关重要的一件大事。第一节 主要阐述了会计信息系统管理的主要内容和管理的必要性,认为一个完整的会计信息系统管理体系,主要内容应当包括:1.会计信息系统的员工管理;2.电脑的日常使用及操作管理;



Abstract(英文摘要): With the development of information technology and the coming of "New Economy", accounting information system (AIS) has owned new implication. In order to adapt to E-commerce and intense market competition, enterprise must change former hand accounting and construct accounting information system, which is the essential prerequisite that keeps enterprise competitive privilege. Enterprise must enhance management of AIS work efficiently. But in practice, most companies including many listed company, he not whole AIS and AIS would output error information. During my practice, I he audited several listed company and worked as an accountant in a company, I feel that it is very important to construct and manage AIS well.System is developing, so further researching the development direction of AIS is very important for keeping AIS great vitality. So the construction, management and development direction of AIS is much practical significance.The article consists of four chapters.The first chapter: the general explanation of AISThe chapter is the theory basis of the whole article. In the chapter, the first part is about the general simple explanation of accounting information, including data, information, accounting information and its features. The second part is about the general explanation of AIS, which explains system, AIS and their features. Meanwhile, the part discusses the trouble and challenge which the enterprises face, and points out that it is very important to research the construction and management of accounting information system. The second chapter: the construction problem of AIS.It is the presupposition of AIS working efficiently to construct <WP=7>valid AIS. The chapter consists of four parts. The first part discusses the necessity of the construction of AIS. In order to adapt to the improvement of information technology, the change of management model and keep competition advantage, enterprises must construct AIS. The second part is about the structure of AIS. AIS consists of accounting information processing system, accounting management information system and accounting decision support system. Before the construction of AIS, enterprises must master the structure of AIS and know the needs for different information in enterprises. The third part mainly discusses the basic tactics of the construction of AIS. It is a system project to construct AIS, so enterprises must form some correct strategy, such as: defining the aim of construction AIS, perfecting inner control and so on.In fourth part, it explains the life cycle of AIS and the construction process. In the different life cycle of AIS, enterprises will do different construction work.In the last part, it mainly discusses the appraise system of AIS’ quality. During the construction of AIS, only if enterprises he a good evaluating system and feedback promptly, they will construct an effective AIS.The third chapter: the research of managing AIS.It is important assurance of AIS working efficiently to manage AIS well. Because computer network and information technology is used in AIS, if AIS has not strict rules and regulations, it will output error information and working cost will rise rapidly. The main content of the chapter consists of five parts.Because personnel and computers are the most important parts of AIS, the first part discusses the management of personnel and computers, including defining the right and responsibility, making career moral standards and so on. <WP=8>The second part is about usage and management of operating computer. The main content contains the management of software and hardware of computer, the management of operating computer and so on.The third part is about maintaining AIS. During the working of AIS, maintaining AIS is the most important work and its cost is the highest, so the chapter sets forth the maintaining management of AIS and cost management. Maintaining AIS mainly contains maintaining environment and system. Cost management contains controlling all kinds of co
论文关键词: 会计信息系统;若干问题研究;企业会计;系统管理制度;会计师事务所;保持竞争优势;会计软件;主要质量特征;企业效益下降;会计系统;