
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-17 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要): With the continuous development of the market economy, social dem-ands on the accounting profession has undergone tremendous changes. The face of international and domestic accounting profession of the accounting officer of nowledge,professional skills and professional values, kcompetency framework requirements,accounting education must be timely training objectives of the accountancy profession, teaching content and teaching methods, the implementation of comprehensive reform. Undergraduate accounting is the main force in cultivating highlevel accounting professionals, university undergraduate accounting should be based on competency framework for professional accountants to carry out guided training model of reform.Papers will be defined as a professional accountant was identified as accountants or auditors, members of professional groups of individuals, or individuals certified by regulatory bodies, including business acco-untants, certified public accountants and service in government and nonprofit organizations, accountants. The professional accountant profes-sional accountants professional competence is the ability to professional duties and the required level of competence to practice high-quality vocational knowledge, professional skills and professional values of the integrated. This paper studied accounting education at the undergraduate level of accounting education, undergraduate accounting education accounting of our higher education system in general the focus, from the annual national collegiate entrance examinations taking of high school graduates, school system as fulltime four years to complete the as required by the provisions of the learning management bachelor’s degree may be granted.Accordance with the IFAC International Education Standards, competency based framework for professional competence of accountants into the capacity of professional knowledge, professional skills and professional values. Undergraduate education is the key to training professional accountants, undergraduate education and professional comp-etence of professional accountants are closely related.Paper using the questionnaire approach to understanding the role of accounting undergraduate career, professional capacity needs of the accounting undergraduate education in comments and suggestions. The questionnaire results showed the importance of professional knowledge in the survey,accounting,finance and related knowledge is the most important, followed by computer information systems knowledge, respectively, foil-owed by economic management theory, organizational and business knowledge, legal knowledge, foreign language. In the vocational skills survey respondents believed that employees of selfmanagement ability is the most important, followed by the team working ability and communication skills. Survey of professional values, professional values in the highest score of all survey items.In the survey respondents were undergraduate edu-cation in accounting advice and recommendations, only 13.8% of the respondents considered undergraduate accounting graduates capable of performing the work of accounting practice, found a lack of accounting graduates are mainly embodied in the tax aspects of business processing capacity, the accounting manual accounting processing and audit capabilities.The questionnaire based on the thesis of a university in Shandong Youyi undergraduate accounting training program, for example, the accounting status of undergraduate education and professional needs of accountants gap analysis. Higher education is a traditional emphasis on accounting theory of light practice, pay attention to knowledge traner capacity building light pattern. On the one hand reflected in the imparting of knowledge does not even close to the actual needs, the lack of professional ethics of teaching; the other hand, the lack of professional accountants required skills and abilities, in particular the weak link in the practice of teaching. Therefore, China’s accounting education reform is not only necessary, it is imperative.In summary, the accounting undergraduate education should be based on the competency framework for the perspective of professional accoun-tants to meet the market demand, re-orientation of accounting undergra-duate training objectives; reasonable to build curriculum, improve teach-ing quality and efficiency; improve traditional teaching methods and means of accounting, teaching mode; reform the traditional evaluation methods, and fully mobilize the enthusia of teachers and students; emphasis on undergraduate education and strengthen the university accoun-ting faculty ranks.
论文关键词: 职业会计师;本科会计教育;能力框架;教育改革;
Key words(英文摘要): professional accountant;undergraduate accounting education;competency frameworks;education reform;