
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-03-08 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要): Under the situation of the gradual prosperity of the capital market in the current era, more and more corporation gather the fund supporting by the help of going on sale style and the capital market for their need of development. Norming the action and the exposure of accounting message of going on sale corporation he been one of the most important problem that our government must resolve in the recent years. Only by so, can we protect the activity of the invester and ensure the stability of the market coos.To begin with, this article introduced accounting information, lead out the accounting information of those corporation going on sale. It has pointed out that the importance of the exposure of accounting message of going on sale corporation. Whats more, it has showed the present situation of the the exposure of accounting message of going on sale corporation and analysed the cause of false accounting information and the serious influence. At last, the writer has given some countermeasures to solve these problems in the exposure of accounting information of the corporation going on sale.Combinated with the other countries state in the exposure of accounting message of the corporation going on sale, compared with our coutries corporation, this article pointed some keyes in the exposure of accounting message of the corporation going on sale. In the system space, our corporation going on sale should consummate corporation governing strcture pace by pace; in the law space, we should consummate the law and rule system gradually; in tte regulation space, our corporation going on sale should be aware of the good influence of information exposure of the corporation going on sale and take some right and active measures to show the right accounting message to the public. Moreover, the system of recommending good corporation going on sale which has been carried in effect is also an active impulsement to these corporation.
论文关键词: 上市公司;会计信息;披露;法制规范;
Key words(英文摘要): corporation going on sale;accounting message;exposure;rules and regulations;