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To enhance corporate accountsreceivable management thinking
Abstract: With the development of market economy and the furtheropening of markets, enterprises in order to fierce competition in the marketand gain the initiative, seize opportunities, in addition to relying on theimprovement of product quality, lower prices and provide good after-salesservice, and other traditional strategy, built on Commercial credit on thebasis of credit enterprises to expand sales into one of the important means,therefore creating the accounts receivable. For an enterprise in terms of goods,services the result of credit, on the one hand to expand the enterprise productsales, an increase of sales income, on the other hand, the formation of acertain accounts receivable, resulting in opportunity cost, the cost of losserom bad debts Increase, increasing the company's operational risks. With thewidespread use of sales, many enterprises accounts receivable of the totalassets and the proportion of high liquidity, which has seriously affected thecompany's cash flow. Therefore, enterprises must take practical measures todevelop reasonable and effective management approach, do a good job in themanagement of accounts receivable, accounts receivable to ensure a reasonableoccupancy level of receivables and security, minimize the loss of bad debts,lower business Risk.
Key words: accounts receivable;management; Countermeasures

(二)“三角债”现象我国企业受传统应收账款管理方式的影响,企业间的“三角债”和拖欠货款现象十分,坏账损失率很高。据统计,2001年全国企业“三角债”高达1.5万亿元;因逃废债务造成的损失约1800亿元;因恶意违约的损失约55亿元;因“三角债”和现款交易而增加的财务费用达2000亿元。,我国有80%的企业深受“三角债”困扰,企业平均赊销率20%,坏账损失率却高达5%。传统的应收账款的管理弊端暴露无遗。常常某个单位应收账款的账龄是几年前的,应收账款占流动资金的为50%,远远高于发达20%的。外国人对现象都很吃惊,在,法定超过半年的应收账款就坏账。在我国,企业赊销时一般不赊销案例的比较 探讨,在采取收款案例时也不收款案例的比较浅析,只要能收回货款就行。就的企业群体而言,应收账款的管理基本上还是粗放式的管理。 











这次毕业论文得以顺利完成,是曾经指导过我的老师,过我的同学,支持着我的家人对我的教诲、和的结果。我要在这里对表示深深的谢意!,要感谢我的指导老师——任存梅老师。任老师在我毕业论文的撰写中,给我了极大的和指导。以开始选题到中期修正,再到定稿,任老师给我了宝贵倡议。老师渊博的专业知识,严谨的治学态度,精益求精的工作作风,诲人不倦的高尚师德,朴实无华、平易近人的人格魅力对我影响深远。使我树立了远大的学术、掌握了基本的 探讨策略,还使我明白了待人接物与为人处世的。,感谢我的好友及同组的同学,你们给了我的思维方向和信息,有你们的,我的论文得以顺利完成。感谢你们,大学四年给我了那么多的与,在我不开心的时候,总能让我开心。不会忘记,大学四年里一起度过的欢乐时光,那些开心的日子,总是那么忘怀。再次,感谢我的父母亲,你们是我力量的源泉,只要有你们,不管面对样的困难,我都不会害怕,谢谢你们对我的支持与!最后对老师,同学和家人再次致以我最衷心的感谢!教导过我的老师,你们的人格魅力永记我心间。身边的同学和朋友,有你们,我的大学才算完整。寝室的密友,你们的天赋犹如上天恩赐,有了你们我的生活更加精彩。感谢考研时的战友,那段光辉岁月不管成败,友情最可贵。

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The establishment of mechanis to strengthen credit management accountsreceivable management[①]
At present, the vast majority of China'senterprises are faced with "hard sell, receivables more difficult," thedual dilemma. On the one hand, in an increasingly competitive market, as orderor customers,enterprises need to provide almost harsh preferential terms, lessand less profit on the other hand, customer accounts receivable owed, or even alarge amount of bad debts, bad debts, profits were substantial erosion. Amongenterprises, "San Jiaozhai" very serious, forming a vicious circle.According to statistics, Chinahas more than 80 percent of the enterprises by the "San Jiaozhai"distress among enterprises in arrears on payment of up to 1 trillion yuan.Countries he taken various measures to try to eradicate this Wanji, but afterless Qianqing, the effect was not obvious. Mutual arrears among enterprises,the enterprises seriously affected the normal operation of the production andoperation, disrupted the normal order of market economy.Ⅰ, the current business accountsreceivable management problems that exist in Enterprises can effectivelycontrol the accounts receivable, not only directly determines the level ofworking capital and liquidity of the final operating profit, but also a directimpact on sales performance and market competitiveness. However, China'senterprises in the management of accounts receivable, there are a lot ofproblems.1. Accounts receivablemanagement responsibility not implementedIn many companies,sales and financial departments perform their respective duties, accountsreceivable were not really responsible for the management, there is no one onreceivables held responsible. In the external credit risk increases, it willhe a large number of accounts in arrears, and is in arrears for a long timeuntil after the collection. The result is owed after Qianqing, Lvjinbujue, theburden of the more serious the back.2. Sales twistingpartial assesentBilling by the salesdepartments duties although no change in the accounts receivable management ofthe situation, but in reality to bring about greater corporate default risk,because the sales goals and sales ability is not in receivables. The realityis: A lot of business in the sales incentive mechani, the blind-accountsreceivable and the intensity and not afterwards, although the boost sales, thecompany has often result in serious bad debts, bad debts losses.3. Finance departmentsdifficult to control credit sales and billingAlthough the financialsector by strengthening the accounts receivable management expertise, but oftenfell far short of the actual. In fact the financial sector because customers donot understand the situation and trading background, not a scientific andeffective management. The accounts receivable or too strict control, businesssales decline or loss of control, a lot will happen in arrears.Ⅱ, strengthen the accounts receivablemanagement measuresAccounts receivablefrom the time of the time, the credit period can be divided into overdueaccounts receivable and accounts receivable. For credit accounts receivableduring the period, enterprises concerned about is whether or not necessary toadvance the realization For overdue accounts receivable, you must think of waysto recover as soon as possible, receivables overdue and the longer the time,the possibility of recovery Less.1. The dynamicmanagement of accounts receivableThe financial sectorshould work with the credit sector, the establishment of the person responsiblefor accounts receivable management. Through the design and making all kinds offorms, to keep business accounts receivable dynamic situation. Financialdepartments should be based on sales reported record sales of aggregates, andthen write analytical reports, accounts receivable Details make the monthlyreport, sent to the credit department manager in charge. At the same time, departmentsdeveloped financial sector to help recover the arrears of the reward system,speed up the recovery of overdue accounts receivable.2. An analysis ofaccounts receivableCredit departmentsshould be based on financial departments to provide the breakdown of customeraccounts receivable owed to analyze the situation, regular monthly publicationof accounts receivable collection plan. Accounts receivable for each enterpriseto implement responsible, the deadline to recover. The responsible persons mustattach importance to and strengthen the collection of accounts receivable work.Enterprises should also be relevant departments of the possibility of recoveryof accounts receivable, customer master the latest financial information toprevent the traner of customer assets and collateral.Ageing analysis ofaccounts receivable from the table, enterprises can understand that thefollowing circumstances: ① the number of credit period is still in arrears, the debt is normal, butafter the expiration of recovery can also be set again when, the Timelycollection is still necessary. ② the number of arrears over the credit period, the length of time over howmuch money each, the number of outstanding arrears due to long time and maybecome bad debts. Different time of the arrears owed, the enterprises shouldadopt a different billing methods, develop economically viable billingpolicies; the possible loss of the bad debts, they should make preparations inadvance, fully estimate the impact on the profit and loss.3. Collection ofoverdue accounts receivable workEnterprises receivedfull payment, must take custody of all the sales data, and as the basis for thecollection and litigation. These sales information include: sales contracts, orders,invoices, fax and letter exchanges, shipping documents, credit applicationforms and all other enterprises can prove that the accounts receivable of therights of the document.(1) of the overdueaccounts receivable processing principles. With the customer's business tomaintain good relations is the key to market share. Therefore, thenon-malicious customers should continue to maintain business, and strive tocomplete the lowest cost to recover arrears, and access to customers of thebreach or other compensation of non-performing customers should take alllegitimate means, will be reduced to the loss of accounts receivable The lowestcredit rating of good customers, clients understand the actual situation, if acustomer just a temporary payment difficulties, may extend the credit period,customers can not easily offended.(2) overdue accountsreceivable to be paid. Enterprises paid no clear standards, corporate creditdepartments shall, in accordance with specific circumstances and flexible useof various means, they must safeguard the interests of enterprises, reducebusiness losses, but also as far as possible to maintain the customerrelationship. Enterprisecustomers to recover the money must emphasize ways to achieve the objective ofrecovering the money.(3) of the overdueaccounts receivable collection procedures. General overdue accounts receivablecollection procedures from the date of late, first by phone, letter, fax andother more polite way to remind the customer accounts has expired and should bepaid. If not remind a result, customers should be passed on the informationailable for analysis, to understand this business in the background and maynot be able to recover the factors to find solutions. After several rounds of lettersand telegrams, fax, and on-site collection without results, the collection ofcustomer pressure should be gradually increased, the implementation ofcollection of each step should be written form, fax, letters and telegrams, andso must stay at the end, so that losses reported as a loss of bad debts .

,我国绝大多数企业都面对着“销售难、收款更难”的双重困境。一,市场竞争激烈,为争取客户订单,企业近乎苛刻的优惠条件,利润越来越少;另一,客户拖欠账款,产生大量呆账、坏账,利润被大量侵蚀。企业间“三角债”,形成了恶性循环。据统计,我国有80%的企业深受“三角债”困扰,企业间拖欠货款高达上万亿元。曾采取多种措施试图根除此顽疾,但前清后欠,效果不。企业间的拖欠企业关心的是能否或有必要提前变现;对于逾期应收账款,则想办法收回,应收账款逾期的时间越长,其收回的可能性就越小。 1.应收账款的动态管理 企业的财务部门应配合信用部门的工作,设立专人负责应收账款的管理。设计和填报表格,随时掌握企业应收账款的动态情况。财务部门应销售部门上报的销售汇总,然后写出策略,出[①] Chris Jeffrey and Christine M Lourens,Chinese papers Download Center,2001.
[②]Chris Jeffrey andChristine M Lourens, Chinese papers Download Center,2001.